• Offizieller Beitrag

    Beispiel Compentitive

    bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high 0.0 // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
    bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low -2.0 // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
    bot_chatter off
    bot_defer_to_human_goals 0 //1
    bot_defer_to_human_items 1
    bot_difficulty 2
    bot_quota 6 // für BZ Geändert
    bot_quota_mode fill //competitive

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Der Klassische Mod. von GunGame bei 1.6

    ich bei CS2 Arms Race

    Classic0CS:GO/CS2 Casual CasualCS:GO/CS2 Competitive CompetitiveCS:GO/CS2 Wingman WingmanWeapons ExpertCounter-Strike 2 Training Day
    Gun Game1CS:GO/CS2 Arms Race Arms RaceCS:GO Demolition DemolitionCS:GO/CS2 Deathmatch Deathmatch
    Training2CS:GO Training Training
    Cooperative4CS:GO Guardian GuardianCS:GO Co-op Strike Co-op Strike
    Skirmish5CS:GO/CS2 War Games War Games
    Free For All6CS:GO Danger Zone Danger Zone

    War Gameskirmish
    Internal NameIntended Game ModeCFG filenames executed with whitelistCollapseDescription
    None (default)0---No Skirmish Mode, i.e. the game mode defined by game_type and game_mode.
    Stab Stab Zap1stabstabzapCasualop08_stab_stab_zap.cfgOnly knives, recharging taser and grenades.
    Free For All2dm_freeforallDeathmatchgamemode_dm_freeforall.cfg

    Like Deathmatch, but teammates are enemies.

    Note.pngNote:The official FFA Deathmatch mode is not this skirmish mode, see #Game Mode Flags.

    Csgo icon skirmish flyingscoutsman.pngFlying Scoutsman3flyingscoutsmanCasualop08_flying_scoutsman.cfgOnly scouts and knives, low gravity, high precision.
    Trigger Discipline4triggerdisciplineCasualop08_trigger_discipline.cfgGunshots that a player does not hit an enemy with damage theirselves down to a minimum of 1 HP.
    Boom! Headshot!6headshotsDeathmatchop08_headshots.cfgHelmets are disabled and bodyshots deal no damage, causing a small spark effect instead of blood.
    Hunter-Gatherers7huntergatherersDeathmatchop08_hunter_gatherers.cfgTeam deathmatch with collecting dogtags: Killed enemies will drop dogtags that anyone can pick up. Collecting dogtags from the enemy team awards victory points. Killing enemies with the Deathmatch bonus weapon makes them drop an extra dogtag. The team with the most victory points at the end of the time limit wins.
    Heavy Assault Suit8heavyassaultsuitCasualop08_heavy_assault_suit.cfg

    Heavy armor can be purchased for $6000.

    Obsolete-notext.pngDeprecated:The item is no longer accessible, neither using the buy menu, nor with the command buy heavyarmor, rendering this skirmish mode useless.

    Csgo icon skirmish armsrace.pngArms Race10armsraceArms Race-Equivalent to #Arms Race.
    Demolition11demolitionDemolition-Equivalent to #Demolition.
    Csgo icon skirmish retakes.pngRetakes12retakesCasualgamemode_retakecasual.cfg

    Each round, 3 Terrorists spawn on a bomb site with a bomb being planted and 4 CTs spawn at fixed locations around it or on the other bomb spot. Each player can choose a loadout card at round start.

    Warning.pngWarning:If there is exactly one bombsite, the game crashes with a probability of 50 %.

    Bloodletter--Arms Raceop08_bloodletter.cfgDealing damage heals you 100 % of the damage dealt (max 200). Players take non-lethal damage over time while they are alive.
    Bounty Hunter--Deathmatchop08_bounty_hunter.cfgAll players are enemies, killed enemies will drop dogtags that anyone can pick up. Killing players awards less points. Collecting dogtags awards additional Deathmatch points.
    Team Deathmatch--Deathmatchop08_team_deathmatch.cfg

    Killing enemies is worth team victory points, killing enemies with the Deathmatch bonus weapon awards additional victory points. The team with the most victory points at the end of the time limit wins.

    Note.pngNote:The official Team Deathmatch mode is not this skirmish mode, see #Game Mode Flags.